Zodiac Spotlight: Emma Watson
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Zodiac Spotlight: Emma Watson

October 14, 2020
Emma Watson is an Aries!
Emma Watson is an Aries!
Emma Watson has a birthday coming up in April! The Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast star and lovely young lady is getting ready for her special day.

Born on April 15, 1990, the girl best known to the world as Hermione Granger typifies an Aries. According to Astrology-Online.com, an individual born under this sign is "a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom." The news source also reports that "they welcome challenges and will not be diverted from their purpose except by their own impatience, which will surface if they don't get quick results."

It's easy to see how this description fits Watson to a tee. After all, the British-born beauty appeared in the first Potter film when she was just 11 years old. Since then she has been in the spotlight, but has handled the media attention with super know-how and savvy.  Now she is the star of the blockbuster live action version of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Be our guest and make sure to check it out!

Additionally, Watson recently designed her own eco-friendly attire. The clothing line was created in collaboration with the esteemed label People Tree and her remarkable threads are currently available for the masses to purchase.

With such great fashion sense, talent and persona, we can't help but adore this young lady. Let's all raise a glass to the girl on her special day and toast her many accomplishments.

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