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capricorn Yearly Horoscope

Dec 22 - Jan 19

What's in Store for capricorn in 2024:
Money, Love, Career

This is not so much a year of two halves and more a year where there is a slide or a transition to a much busier second half. The planets that will have the most impact on the year as a whole are Saturn and Jupiter and beyond that if there are any changes or shifts in the outer planets, which would represent a major pivot that will not just impact the year itself but decades to come. You have the latter this year but while Saturn is now settled into your relationship sector and will remain there all year, Jupiter is on the move. As Jupiter will only spend around 12 months in each area of your chart it is a given that he will shift focus at some point during the year but this time, his shift just happens to tie into a major pivot that will also take place. That major pivot is coming from Pluto, the planet of change and revolution, leaving Capricorn and returning to your income sector on 21st January.

If this sounds like Deja Vu, it is because Pluto did the same thing in March 2023, only to retrograde back into Capricorn less than three months later. This is normal for a slow outer planet, and he will retrograde back in again, this time to spend 11 weeks tying up loose ends from 2nd September to 20th November, not to return to Capricorn again in our lifetime. This is when a journey that began back in 2008 to find and embrace the kind of change that allows you to express yourself and your life authentically began. Yet as one chapter ends another is just starting, with Pluto’s return with the Sun on 21st January, the start of a commitment to his 20-year stay in your income sector. While Pluto will retrograde back out, this time after being here for over seven months and only leaving for seven weeks.

The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will all move through your income sector during Pluto’s early months, getting the year off to a potentially lucrative start. However, this might not reach its full potential until Jupiter leaves a playful and creative part of your chart on 26th May, where he will stay until leaving in June 2025. This will begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade in the early months of Pluto’s 20-year visit to your income sector. Jupiter will move straight into a friendly aspect to Pluto, putting them in harmony from the start. As the South Node will spend the whole of 2024 in your career sector, this could be your most powerful year across the income, work, and career fronts ever. A lunar eclipse in your career sector on 25th March and a solar eclipse on 3rd October will help to cement that. Yet while Jupiter will leave a playful and creative part of your chart on 26th May, Mars will keep fighting to maintain a balance between work and play until he leaves on 21st July.

Capricorn Money Horoscope for 2024

Last year, the main focus was on the side of the financial fence, where the focus is more on what you do with and how you manage the money you have, with no planetary activity in your income sector since Pluto left last June. This year the tables are turned and the focus shifts back to the income side of the financial fence, but with the benefits from having a solid financial foundation and motivation and momentum this has created. It was a combination of Mars returning for his first visit to your financial sector in two years just before Venus’ longest visit here in our lifetime began that kept things active from May through to October 2023. While it has been over two months since Venus left your financial sector by the time you move into the New Year, you still have a few weeks to let that settle and cement into place.

This allows you to move into the new financial year with confidence, ready to take your financial power back from the start but also ready to get things moving on the income side of the financial fence. There is still no planetary activity in your income sector as you move into the New Year but that will change when on 21st January the Sun and Pluto both return on the same day. The Sun is only here for a month but while Pluto, the planet of change and transformation will retrograde back out for 11 weeks later in the year this is the start of a 20-year visit. Pluto will retrograde back out on 2nd September but will return on 20th November and then not leave until 2044. Meanwhile, it is during Pluto’s early months that the most ground can be gained.

What will help to make the early months of the year the most lucrative is having the Sun here until 19th February, Mercury from 5th February to 23rd February, Mars from 13th February to 23rd March and Venus from 17th February to 12th March. Venus will also return again from 7th December 2024 to 3rd January 2025, giving her two chances to make these the most lucrative weeks of the year, each time with the planet of money able to join forces with Pluto, the planet of change and revolution for the first time here in our lifetime. Meanwhile, money matters will get their turn when the Sun, Mercury and Venus move through your financial sector, which they will do from 3rd July to 9th September. However, it is when Mars returns from 4th November 2024 to 6th January 2025 that competing with Pluto in your income sector could see the warrior planet of the cosmos come out fighting.

Capricorn Love Horoscope for 2024

What makes this year special, apart from having Jupiter in your romantic sector until 26th May, is that Venus will make two visits to Capricorn in 2024. Last year, Venus began the year in Capricorn, but having left on 3rd January, she spent less than 72 hours here and was held back by a retrograde phase, as you move into the New Year she is yet to return. This means that when Venus does eventfully return on 23rd January, it will be her first visit to Capricorn while Jupiter is in your romantic sector in over a decade. However, Venus is once more back up to speed and with Jupiter not leaving until 26th May and Venus moving through from 28th April to 24th May, the planets of love and luck will team up to create some of the most romantically charged weeks of 2024.

Venus won’t be on her own, with the Sun moving through your romantic sector from 20th April to 21st May and Mercury from 16th May to 3rd June. These are visits that will overlap and between them, will help to make the final weeks of Jupiter’s most expansive year for matters of the heart and all things romantic some of the best. However, this won’t leave your romantic sector empty, for while Uranus is here until 2026 it is just six days after Mercury leaves that Mars will return for his first visit in two years, with the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos able to fire things up in a way that will ensure nothing will go off the boil as he moves through from 9th June to 21st July.

It is just a few days after Mars’ return that the first planetary activity on the relationship front for the year will begin, with Venus’ visit to your relationship sector from 17th June to 12th July benefiting from having Mars in your romantic sector throughout that time. With Mercury, the planet of communication here from 17th June to 3rd July and the Sun from 21st June to 22nd July, these should be the most important weeks of the year on the relationship front. Instead, Mars will return from 5th September to 4th November to begin his own mission to fire things up on the job front. It is just eight days after Mars leaves that Venus will return for her second visit to Capricorn for the year, with a lot of water having passed under the bridge by the time the planet of love returns from 12th November to 7th December.

Capricorn Career Horoscope for 2024

First impressions might suggest that there is not a lot to be excited about as you move into this new professional year, and if you were to judge a book by its cover, it would suggest that this was going to be an ordinary year on both the job and career fronts. Yet on neither front will that prove to be the case, though for one in a more subtle and the other in a more dramatic way. The more subtle influence is on the career front, with the South Node in your career sector for the whole of 2024 but no planetary activity here until the asteroid Juno returns on 10th August. However, the South Node is quietly keeping things on track while having it here will have a profound impact on the New and Full Moons here. This will turn an ordinary Full Moon here on 25th March into a lunar eclipse and the New Moon on 3rd October into a potentially game-changing solar eclipse.

An eclipse acts as a trigger, in which case for everything that the South Node will be keeping on a slow boil all year. This makes it more about staying on track professionally and trusting in the internal compass that the South Node is giving you. Meanwhile, it is on the job front that things are set to take a major and dramatic turn. There will be no planetary activity in your work sector until the Sun returns to your work sector on 21st May, something that at this point each year will always turn the solar spotlight onto your work situation, job matters, and options. However, it is just five days later that everything will change when Jupiter returns to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade.

Venus will return on 24th May, ensuring your heart is engaged and the laws of attraction are in effect when, two days later, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, returns to begin a visit that won’t end until June 2025. What makes this significant is that Pluto is just settling into a two-decade-long visit to your income sector, and he and Jupiter will be working closely, especially in these early months. Venus will leave on 17th June and the Sun on 21st June, but with Mercury here from 3rd June to 17th June and Mars here from 21st July to 5th September, there will be plenty of support to get things off the ground. This will also have an impact on the career front, for when Juno returns to your career sector on 10th August, Venus on 30th August, the Sun on 22nd September, and Mercury on 26th September, they will all move into a friendly aspect to Jupiter as they move through. Your career sector will only be active from 10th August to 23rd October, but with your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade well underway by then.

BTW, have you checked your daily horoscope?

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