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Love Tarot Readings

All you need is love. Take a step in the right direction with a trusted love tarot reading.

Only $1 per minute

Ask the Cards

What is a Love Tarot Reading?

LOVE: it’s not what you say, it’s what you do. And no matter what your relationship status is, you know that when it comes to love, actions speak WAY louder than words. Here’s a little scenario of what a love tarot reading is and how you can improve your love life by taking action:

Read How a Love Tarot Reading Can Help You

Meet Ciara. She’s had a rough go in the love department. Her heart is fragile after a hard breakup. She’s ready to settle down but has doubts, and nobody seems to compare to her ex. So, she decides to take action and get a tarot love reading from an authentic Psychic. Her Psychic focuses her energy on Ciara’s love life as she shuffles and lays a love tarot spread of cards that represents Ciara’s past, present, and future. Her Psychic uses the tarot cards signs and messages to uncover details, patterns, and choices Ciara’s made in her past relationships. Ciara asks questions in her love tarot reading, gets answers, learns about her ex’s perspective and how she can move on for good. She gets advice about potential love interests and feels hopeful for the future. After Ciara’s online love tarot reading, she’s confident and in control. Ciara is open to love and has the support of a trusted psychic to guide her way.

What should I ask during a Love Tarot Reading?

It’s all in the details. Our genuine Psychics are devoted to providing you the most accurate psychic readings possible. So, if you have questions, ask them! Don’t hold back. By being direct and open to receive, you’ll get the insights you need most. Having questions on deck will give your Psychic areas to focus their energy when reading your love tarot spread. And if you’re seeking detailed, in-depth responses (we know you are!) avoid asking yes/no questions and take a more open-ended approach. Here are a few examples:

I met someone online. Are they the real deal? And do you see our relationship going anywhere?

My relationship has been stagnant. I want to get married, but they won't commit. Do you see me getting married, or should I move on?

My partner cheated on me, but I’m still in love with them. Should I move on or give them another chance?

When Should I Get a Love Tarot Spread?

Let’s be real. It’s not easy to talk to friends and family who are judgey af and bias to your situation. That’s why customers have been getting trusted love tarot readings on our service for 15+ years with objective Psychics who understand. And while tarot readings explore all life areas, talking to a Psychic who specializes in love reading tarot spreads will focus specifically on pulling cards around that 4-letter word – LOVE. If you’re single and mingling, married, divorced, it’s “complicated” or just straight-up confused, an online love tarot reading with an intuitive Psychic will address your concerns, open your eyes to hidden truths, and provide steps for better outcomes. And if you’re going through a breakup and need healing, we got you! Our compassionate tarot Psychics will navigate you through the ups and downs of your emotions and help restore your faith in love – you deserve it!

How are the cards interpreted in a Love Reading Tarot Spread?

Calling all tarot lovers! Love readings and love tarot readings focus on ooh la, love, sex, and romance. Psychics receive and interpret messages through various metaphysical tools such as astrology, crystals, spirit guides, etc. But a love tarot reading is all about the cards! The tarot deck has 78 cards divided into two groups - the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards. Each card has its own meaning revealing info, hidden truths, and deeper wisdom into your story. Here’s how your Psychic interprets the messages of your love tarot spread:

Minor Arcana – what’s happening rn.

The Minor Arcana represents what’s happening right now. From emotions to interactions to experiences, these cards show a Psychic how you’re being affected on a day-to-day basis. These cards provide insight into dating questions, potential love interests, and the perspective of others.

Major Arcana – karma, karma, karma.

The Major Arcana goes way deeper. These cards are reppin your life lessons, themes, and karmic influences that shape your journey - woah! The Major Arcana share divination into life-changing events, choices, and relationships that have impacted you long-term.

Reversed Cards – opportunities for growth.

If your Psychic calls out a reversed card in your tarot spread, don’t stress. These cards, in association with those around them, can I.D. areas that hold you back, such as blocked energies and limiting beliefs. Reversed cards are the best teachers and can help you address and conquer challenges in your love life.

Tarot spreads for your goals

Your questions and goals will shape what kind of love tarot spread your Psychic will use for your psychic reading. For instance, if you’re short on time and seeking an answer to a single question, your Psychic may pull a three-card spread to look at your mind, body, and spirit, or past, current, and future – the combos are limitless and custom to your unique situation.

Expand Your Horizons with Tarot Love Readings

Get connected to your love tarot Psychic by phone or online chat. You can even ask a question via DM – great for on-the-go! Our Psychics are not only expert Tarot Readers, but they’re also gifted Clairvoyants, Mediums, Astrologers, and Energy Healers. No matter what your goals are, our intuitive Psychics are here to help you overcome so that you can find what you’re looking for in both love and life.

Are you ready to begin? An authentic love tarot reading is just a phone call or chat away.

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Available Love Tarot Readers

Psychic Roxy x7058

Roxy x7058


$5.00 $1.00/min
Connect until 11:10 am EST
Psychic Hope x4304

Hope x4304


$4.99 $1.00/min
Connect until 10:30 am EST


Psychic Atisha x7936

Atisha x7936

4½ stars

$5.00 $1.00/min
Away check my schedule