Whn you're about to move away from home, you think it's the best thing that will ever happen. You look forward to moving away all through your senior year of high school -- whether you're going to college or simply striking out on your own -- and you're sure you'll never look back. You're wrong, and it's best to realize that before you get overwhelmed by some eye-opening emotions.
Gut-Wrenching Homesickness
When you're eager to move away from home, you think you'll always feel happy and free. However, it's entirely likely that you'll experience homesickness the very first night. You're away from all the people, places, and things you know and love. You'll find it hard to cope your first few weeks, and the temptation to give it up and go back home will be strong.
You don't have to give into those feelings, but you do have to acknowledge them. Make sure you talk to your family and the friends you left behind to give you a sense of place and home. When you want to vent, you should chat with a psychic online. Venting online lets you keep it on the down-low, and you'll still get an intuitive perspective on your feelings.
Extreme Loneliness
Because you'll feel displaced, loneliness is natural. Even if you're surrounded by thousands of kids in a similar situation, you still feel alone. Your professors can't fix it, your classmates won't cut it, and your roommate is a veritable stranger. Trust, though, that things won't seem strange for long. Again, you need to talk to the folks back home, but you also need to immerse yourself in your new life. As you enjoy new experiences, your loneliness will fade.
Total Confusion
How do you manage your life? What's going on in the world? Do you need to dry clean that jacket? Confusion is part and parcel of any new experience. When you're young and living on your own for the first time, it's a perpetual state. It will go away, but it's scary while it's happening. Just remember that this is the start of your adult life, and every current grownup was once a confused kid—just like you.
Slight Panic
Panic and confusion go together. If you left home to attend college, the total lack of bells and orders, plus the focus on personal accountability, will combine to keep you feeling off-keel. You'll panic about paying bills, getting things done on time, and surviving.
When panic overwhelms you, a psychic telephone reading is a solid bet. You need to talk to someone, and actually hear a voice in your ear. Once you calm down and connect, talk to your psychic about your fears and the emotions running rampant through your head. He or she can soothe your worries and help you put together a plan for success.
Unexpected Worthlessness
That sounds harsh, but it's true. Even if you had chores at home, suddenly being in a place where you're responsible for everything will make you feel totally unprepared. You may have trouble figuring out what to cook yourself, how to do your laundry, or how to pay bills every month. Those life-skills will come in time, but the first few months you're away from home, you won't know what you're doing or how you're going to survive.
How did you feel when you first left home? Do you still want to go back?
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