The 5 Best Ways to Avoid Toxic Friends
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The 5 Best Ways to Avoid Toxic Friends

January 16, 2015
Friends having a heart-to-heart conversation
Friends having a heart-to-heart conversation

It's safe to say that almost everyone will experience at least one toxic friendship. You know the friend: if you buy a new dress, she asks if you've gained weight; if you get a new entertainment system, he gets a bigger one; if you get a raise, she goes on an all-out spending spree or he complains that he's broke. Instead of letting all that negativity suck the energy out of your life, learn how to avoid these festering friendships in the first place.

Stand Up Against Put-Downs

Do not ever let anyone put you down. Toxic friendships are notorious for this. Your poisonous friend will find all kinds of ways to subtly put you down, insult you, and make you feel bad about yourself. Any time you recognize one of those put-downs, stand up for yourself. Confront your friend in a calm but pointed manner. Ask your girlfriend why she commented on your weight, or ask your male friend why he made disparaging remarks about your job.

Standing up for yourself is sometimes difficult, though, especially if you don't like confrontation. If you're having trouble taking a stand, chat with a psychic online, specifically asking for tips to strengthen your resolve. You can even engage in some role play that will help you in a real situation.

Widen Your Circle of Friends

Maybe you need more friends. Even if you're not ready to call it quits on your toxic friendship, you can diversify your circle of buddies. Seek people who share your ideals, values, and personality. Look for positive people who understand compassion, tolerance, and reciprocity. They'll be far less likely to bring you down, because they aren't miserable.

Set Boundaries in Your Friendships

Setting boundaries with your poisonous pal may help the situation. Gently explain why your friend's behavior bothers you, and describe the kinds of boundaries your friendship needs. For instance, you can make it clear you won't put up with insults, or you could make a rule that the two of you won't talk about work, politics, or money. Your friend may behave better in a one-on-one situation, so you can simply stop seeing him or her with larger groups.

Create Distance Between You

Conversely, if you're still not ready for a direct confrontation, you can simply distance yourself. Toxic friendships sometimes stick around far longer than they should, so it's up to you to create distance. Don't make yourself so available, especially for outings or activities that proved incendiary in the past. You don't have to answer every phone call, respond to every text, or say yes to every invitation. Learn to say no for the good of your own mental and emotional health.

Put an End to the Friendship

Occasionally, none of these methods work. At that point, it's better to just walk away from the friendship before anyone else gets hurt worse. Talk to your psychic reader about how to extricate yourself without doing any damage. Draw strength, let go, and simply walk away.

Toxic friendships will infiltrate your entire life, and your toxic friend will seek to make you as miserable as he or she feels. Wouldn't you like to avoid that emotional drain?

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