But wait! A lot of us don’t realize how many men shy away from this holiday while women wait for the flowers, candy, and romantic night out. Valentine’s Day can be a very stressful day for some men. He might be reminded of the unhappy memories of failing a woman he disappointed in the past. Men feel pressured to meet these expectations—so much so that some of them will postpone meeting a new woman until Valentine’s Day has passed!
We know what women want.
But what do men want on Valentine’s Day?
So back to what a man wants from you on Valentine’s Day.
He wants enthusiastic appreciation! He wants you to be happy with what he gives you and to see that look in your eyes that says it all. Hug him, kiss him, thank him and tell him that you can't wait to tell your girlfriends what you got. Showing him how much you appreciate what he’s doing and giving is all he wants. And that’s something he can carry throughout the entire year!
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