The Internet makes it incredibly easy to watch porn, sometimes even letting you watch for free. With this easy access, along with the privacy involved, more women are watching porn than ever before. Why are women watching? What does this trend mean?
Why Women Watch Porn
Many women watch porn for the same reasons men do. It's a quick way to enjoy sex without having to go on a date and pretend to woo the other person for hours to get it. Women also watch out of simple curiosity or to learn new moves to try in bed with their own partners. Some women watch along with their partners and report it improves their relationship, as well as their sexual satisfaction. Most women don't consider watching porn cheating. They also use it as a fantasy escape or just to relieve stress.
About 40 percent of women who reported watching porn have made sex tapes themselves with a partner or ex. However, use caution when making sex videos because there is a problem with revenge porn, a recent trend where exes post nude videos or photos of women who jilted them online.
When Watching Porn is a Good Thing
Watching porn together as a couple is often a way to break out of a boring routine in bed and add some spark to the old sex life. It's a good way to find new things to try, and women who watch porn with their partners say it makes it easier for them to freely express what they want to try in bed.
Women can also use porn when they don't have a committed partner because it's much safer than having sex with strangers. There's no fear of ending up alone with a pervert, getting pregnant, or catching an STD. A psychic medium can tell you if watching porn is a positive or negative thing in your life.
When Watching Porn Becomes a Problem
Porn addictions used to be an exclusively male problem, but as women watch more porn, more of them are becoming addicted. What was once an easy escape from reality, can take over their lives, and they begin to waste time watching porn instead of interacting with friends and family.
Porn addiction leads to problems with depression and low self-esteem. The depression is likely because they are substituting fantasy life for real life and neglecting real relationships. The low self-esteem might come from the way porn portrays women as sexual objects, with no focus on their talents, intelligence, strength, and other qualities. Women can also suffer from low self-esteem if they don't feel they are as attractive or desirable as the porn stars they spend so much time watching.
What to Do if You Suspect You Have a Porn Addiction
Whether male or female, if porn is taking time away from other things in your life, such as developing healthy relationships, finding a fulfilling career, or pursuing hobbies you once enjoyed, it's time to take action. Most addiction counselors have experience with sexual addictions like porn. Another option is a love psychic, who can steer you away from fantasy and into real loving relationships.
Have you noticed an increase in women watching porn? Do you think it's a good thing, or is there something wrong with it?
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