Meet our Millennial, psychic reading lover, and hot topic tea dishing blogger Samantha! To help you get to know her just a little bit better, we’ve asked Sam to answer a few questions about herself. Enjoy!
What kind of topics do you enjoy writing about?
First things first, I want to address that I started blogging for PathForward in October 2020. So, a lot of my content has yet to be revealed. But, as we move forward, readers will find that I’m pretty much invested in writing about life topics – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I love staying on trend with what’s buzzing and, of course, keeping it classic with advice aro und love and relationships. But I especially enjoy focusing on self-care and personal wellness. Being kind to ourselves is often the last thing we remember to do, so I like to remind my readers to take a step back, take care, and put yourself first every once in a while.
Do you get psychic readings?
Actually, I do! I have been getting psychic readings for 5+ years and fell in love with the advice and support I received after a devastating break-up. I literally thought my world was about to end, but my Psychic helped me regain control of my life and opened the door to bigger and better things. Psychic readings are my way of de-compressing and are a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy! I prob get about 1-2 chat psychic readings per month. There’s no shame in my game!
What’s your favorite spiritual/psychic topic?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE astrology! Did I mention that I love astrology? Anything zodiac related, and I’m all ears. I read my horoscope daily, and I’m really into learning about my astrology birth chart and how that impacts my life. The wondrous world of astrology is just too cool, and if that makes me a nerd, then so be it! I’m a true Libra at heart and believe that the planetary changes are responsible for our “off” and crazy days!
Who’s your favorite celebrity?
Ciara is prob one of my favorite celebs ever! Although I don’t know her personally, she seems so spiritual, down-to-earth, and kind. I absolutely love her vibe on social media, and she’s an incredible dancer too.
What do you want your readers to know about you?
I know what it’s like to deal with uncertainty. Being a Millennial woman it’s tricky to navigate our lives and still feel in control of the decisions we make. Feeling empowered at work, living in a blended family environment, and taking care of myself can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But, trusting in yourself, listening to your intuition, and talking to someone who truly cares makes a huge difference. I’m working on myself every day, and I hope that my blogs inspire and empower you in this wild and crazy ride we call life.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I’ve gotten some fantastic advice from my family, but one piece of advice that I’ll never forget was from a Psychic. Early on in my career, I was so hyper-focused on “what’s next” and didn’t take a step back to stop and smell the roses. My Psychic told me I need to focus on what I am doing right now and put my energy into the “now” to make my goals happen. TBH, it’s not what I wanted to hear. I wanted her to tell me that I would be getting a new job TOMORROW, that pays double. But, she was right. I took her advice, focused on the “now,” gained a ton of experience, made new connections, and eventually landed a new role. Staying in the “now” is hard, but with a little support and plan of action, it can make a huge difference.
Are you interested in keeping up with Samantha? Make sure you check your emails and The Tea Blog for new entries from your girl! Check out all of Samantha’s current blog posts, here.

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