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Journaling Styles for Every Lifestyle

March 03, 2021
Sneak in a few minutes of me-time to start your journaling practice.
Sneak in a few minutes of me-time to start your journaling practice.

Types of Healing Journals For Every Lifestyle

Beyond simply tracking your days, journaling comes with a whole slew of benefits when you make it an everyday practice. Success starts with identifying your intentions, after all, and sitting down to write (or speak) your goals helps you determine the pathway to achieving them.


Journaling also prompts mindfulness, sparks creativity, and offers a vehicle for spiritual healing. When you use your journal to record your psychic readings, it provides a useful tool for setting intentions and planning for future readings. All in all, journaling gives you a daily practice to achieve personal growth.

Even when we have the best intentions, though, finding time to focus on ourselves can sometimes feel like a struggle. There are many different types of journals - we can help you find one that suits you best. So, here are five journaling styles to try out for any type of lifestyle.

Healing Journals

A healing journal is a space where you take steps to address your pain, forgive yourself and others, and explore your strengths to heal and overcome obstacles. Healing from emotional trauma is a journey that takes time, acceptance, and mindful practice. Healing journal writing is a way to express yourself and let go of built-up emotion in private. From a spiritual standpoint, a healing journal is considered a form of divination as you may find yourself receiving guidance and answers to your thoughts as you jot down your feelings.

So, what should you include to get the absolute most out of your healing journal? Really, this practice is on your terms but, one powerful tool you can use within your entries are self-healing journal prompts. Healing journal prompts are questions, fill in the blanks, or open-ended thoughts that pinpoint areas of mental focus. In other words, prompts that get that beautiful mind of yours to think more deeply.

Healing Journal Prompts

Getting started with self-healing journal prompts is easy. There are no rules you have to follow other than choosing prompts that spark that inner lightbulb. It’s also helpful if you begin each journal entry with a prompt to get your inspiration flowing. Here’s a list of 20 thought-provoking journal prompts you can use in your healing journal writing:

  1. Five things I love the most about myself are….
  2. This makes me feel good inside…
  3. I wish I could do this one thing, but I’m not sure where to start…
  4. If I could change the world, I would…
  5. I am feeling…
  6. I forgive myself for…
  7. I could use some support with…
  8. My inner voice speaks to me when…
  9. I feel like my most authentic self when…
  10. My loved ones would describe me as…
  11. A goal I want to reach this year is…
  12. I had a dream about …
  13. This would help me live my best life…
  14. I wish I were more accepting of…
  15. I de-stress by… 
  16. I want to focus more on…
  17. My purpose in life is to…
  18. I am not this kind of person…
  19. I wish I could cultivate more…
  20. Today I am grateful for…

Bullet Journals

Look, we get it. If you're a busy working mom (or really anyone who doesn't have a lot of extra me-time on their hands), journaling might not make it to the top of your to-do list. However, you don't need to spend tons of time on this act of self-care to reap the benefits journaling offers. That’s a shorter-style journal is a great type of journal for you.

A bullet journal is a great option for anyone who loves tracking goals, using a pen and paper, and, um, has lots of to-do lists. You just create a table of contents to add to as you go, using colors, lines, and symbols so you can understand at a quick glance what you have on your pages. Your system can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it, but the key here is making an organized method.

Line-a-Day Journals

Short style types of journals are becoming increasingly popular. Here's why:

A line-a-day journal is another easy option for aspiring journalers lacking in downtime. You just put down a sentence, two at most, each day about what you did. You'll still get to track your growth and set intentions but without the major time commitment that, let's face it, can be difficult to achieve in today's busy world.

Traditional Journals

Find that old-school "Dear Diary" feel of a journal alluring? Traditional journaling may be the way to go. You can make entries as long or short as you need, even skipping days here and there if you want. Just put that pen to paper and get writing without worrying about sticking to a structure. Let your thoughts flow.

Video Journals

Maybe you want the flow of a traditional journal, but you're looking for a different structure than traditional pen and paper. Tech-savvy millennials can get into video journals. Instead of writing, you'll record yourself, just like a personal vlog! Still, you'll get the same benefits out of this journaling style — even if you never pick up an actual paper notebook.

Project Journals

Career-focused folks will love the concept of project journals. You'll keep a journal that covers projects you work on, recording the actions you take and the results you get. This journaling style is well-suited to anyone who loves data and projects since you get to review and then improve everything you work on.

If you're not sure how to organize your thoughts, psychic advice from a PathForward psychic can help you get started.

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