Keep It Simply Spiritual
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K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simply Spiritual)

March 23, 2021 by Psychic Halo x4168
K.I.S.S. your cares away...
K.I.S.S. your cares away...

You may have heard of the acronym K.I.S.S., shorthand for “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” This was a design philosophy adopted by the U.S. Navy in 1960 that posed that the best systems were the least complex. The wording of this is very much so the archetypal energy of the Taskmaster and the Inner Critic – cold and calculated. However, one of my spiritual teachers taught me a much better acronym for K.I.S.S.: 

  • Keep
  • It
  • Simply
  • Spiritual

I'm far fonder of this interpretation and use it regularly. Whenever there is a problem, I remind myself not to stress, and instead to keep it simply spiritual. But what does that mean?

It means I meditate. I pray. I do a ritual, perform energy healing,or give to others. I sing, I dance, I practice gratitude, and I K.I.S.Sthe ones I love.

It's easy to get caught up in the drama of the world, especially now with many of us stuck at home because of COVID as we see a constant bombardment of what's going wrong in the world on TV, social media, the internet, and even from friends and family. Burying our heads in the sand is not feasible, as much as we might want to. Keeping it simply spiritual allows you to manage life in a way that honors your spirit, your soul, and your purpose for being alive.

When you notice a negative thought, just be aware and affirm the most loving outcome instead.

When you feel an emotion that is out of alignment with what you want, accept it, take time to express it responsibly, and then give yourself permission to feel what honors the best parts of you.

When you notice an action that is damaging or hurtful, stop it immediately, and choose a better behavior.

And lastly, make the agreement with yourself to not just catch yourself doing something wrong, but to catch yourself doing RIGHT more often and celebrate it.

Psychic Halo x4168
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