Tarot Tutorial: Page of Wands | PathForward
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Tarot Tutorial: Page of Wands

August 12, 2022 by PathForward
Discover the meaning of the Page of Wands!
Discover the meaning of the Page of Wands!

Think back to the feeling of being a kid on the first day of summer vacation—the Page of Wands has a similar carefree and energetic vibe. There’s just so much to do and see in the world, and it’s hard not to get psyched about all the possibilities! Their enthusiasm is also super contagious, no matter what the situation. 

Remember, court cards don’t always refer to a specific gender or even one particular person. Sometimes they show up as a nudge from the Universe when it’s time to embody aspects of the royal in question. Traditionally, Pages represent children, but they can also represent anyone young at heart, like your nanna, who’s always the first one up to dance at a family function. The Page of Wands is also linked to fire signs, so it can represent people born under the signs of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, or just anyone who is high energy and a wee bit impulsive.


The Page of Wands in a Love Reading

Oh, you know a relationship will be hella fun when the Page of Wands turns up in a love reading! The chances of falling hard and fast for a new love are super high here. This person may be an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, or they simply might have an optimistic and outgoing personality. Your first meeting could happen while bumping into each other during a high-energy activity. You’ll likely enjoy doing energetic things when spending time together too. Don’t be surprised if it moves to the bedroom quickly either, sis. It’s like a constant jolt of electricity when the two of you are together, and neither one is feeling patient about exploring it. Netflix and chill? Yeah, the chill has left the building. You’re both down for intense things, in and out of the bedroom.

If you are in an established relationship, this signals a period of rediscovering what brought you together in the first place. Situations might come up that involve both of you spending more time with each other, which can lead to some laughs and eventually some real heat. Do not waste this opportunity for romance by being too serious. We promise you can go back to adulting after having fun with your significant other. Being able to play together could go a long way in making your relationship stronger.

If the Page of Wands comes up reversed, it’s a warning about being too irresponsible or impulsive. Yeah, that hottie looks hella fun now, but you need to be realistic about any long-term consequences. And, of course, we need to remind you to stay safe and consensual with your romantic interactions (now is NOT the time to be blasé about birth control). This relationship could very well be all flash with no long-term heat. If you’re down for that, great! Just keep your head on straight about what this is, and def don’t make any hard plans for a long future together. 


The Page of Wands in a Future Reading

All of the Pages are associated with the idea of messages, so don’t be surprised if someone you haven’t talked to in minute texts you out of the blue. This message can bring good news, especially with the Page of Wands in play. It may spark a new creative direction in your life or a new physical outlet. 

You could notice that you are interacting with a young person born under the sign of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius more often than you had before. Or you might be around someone of any age that radiates youthful optimism and positivity. It couldn’t hurt to tap into that vibe. After all, an optimistic outlook can help you find possibilities you didn’t know existed.

The Page of Wands in a future reading can also point to increased physical activity. That can manifest as a strong start to a new exercise routine or joining up a group sports activity. While you may get some real grown-up benefits from it, remember, this page is all about the fun. Stick to moving in a way you enjoy. You need to indulge your inner kid right now, but it will pay off.

Seeing the Page of Wands reversed in a future reading can indicate your energy is all over the place. You might feel like you have a bajillion browser tabs open in your brain, and you can’t pick which one to read or close down first. Check the surrounding cards to see what needs to be priority one and what you can set aside. 

Alternatively, this card can signal that someone’s inner child might be doing an amazing Veruca Salt imitation. If you have the patience and emotional spoons to spare, you can try helping the person find some equilibrium. But it may be easier to avoid them until they stop having a temper tantrums. If you are the one being extra, it’s time to rope it in and find out the root cause of your drama before you alienate people who care about you.


Page of Wands in a Career Reading

Things will be exciting when the Page of Wands shows up in a career reading! It can signal a new job or a jump to an entirely different career. While that can def feel scary, remember that this card is all about positive energy and optimism. Being a little bolder than you are used to will pay off and make this transition feel more exciting than terrifying. Travel may also be involved in your new job.

The Page of Wands can also indicate that now is the time to energize your work. Remember, while optimism is no guarantee of things going well, the chances of success are nada if your mind is already shut down about trying. Get hype about yourself and your future! Put in the energy and see what doors will open up for you.

If the Page of Wands comes up reversed in a career reading, you need to slow your roll. Unearned confidence can damage your reputation at work. Be sure that you can back up any bragging about your skills because you WILL get called on it. And if you can’t show up like you say you will, this card is often about getting a new job. If you want it to be your choice about how and when you leave a position, make sure that you aren’t being too rash or breezy about your work tasks. Take them seriously, and more importantly, show others that you are serious.  


Get a Tarot Reading

Still wondering what the presence of this powerful royal points to in a tarot reading? We gotchu! Our Tarot Experts have the skills to go deep when you need answers about love, career, or anything else weighing on your mind. See how their insight can have you moving in the right direction to manifest the life of your dreams. 


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