Psychic Ciara - PathForward
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Ciara x4204


I believe and therefore anything is possible by fearless soul.

About Psychic Ciara

Total Readings : 2,899 since March 2021

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I think we need to take care of our people in need. I am an advocate for the homeless. I have fed and worked with homeless populations in different parts of the country. I also have worked with children's organizations as well as animal shelters. Volunteering and helping is more for the person helping then it is for the people being helped. If we all did something to help, the world would be a better place.

What do you think are the top benefits of psychic readings?

I think it's a safe place to speak with someone when you are going through a rough patch. No judgement. Sometimes, someone needs to talk, sometimes people need clarity, and sometimes they need the truth so they can make good decisions in their life. It can also be a way to release anxieties.

What makes your reading style unique?

I am direct and honest, but deliver my information in a compassionate way.

Can you share what process or tools you use for making the psychic connection during a reading?

I'm an empath, clairvoyant and intuitive. I use different tarot decks along with oracle cards.

What can one expect before and after having a psychic reading with you?

The client has my full attention. This is their reading and I am here for them. I focus on their question and give them the best answer they need to hear. I am also very mindful of time and try and be as quick as I can.

What is your strongest psychic ability, and how has this helped others?

My strongest ability is working with relationship issues. I am very good at tuning into the relationship and yourperson of interesti. Many clients told me that I have repeated what theirperson of interest had just said to them..

Please tell us how others can benefit from seeking your psychic guidance?

I am kind, considerate and compassionate with my clients. The clients needs are my top priority. You will get truth, honesty and clarity around your situation. Many of my clients tell me they feel so much better after we speak.

What kind of social issues are you most passionate about and why?

Homelessness is what I am most passionate about. I think, in a country like ours, no one should be homeless. There are many complex issues as to why this occurs but we, as a society, can do better.

How has your cultural background played a role in your development of spiritual abilities?

My heritage is Irish and Ukranian. Interestingly, I have psychics on both sides of the family. I have learned many things from my grandmothers, my mothers and aunts!


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Quick Facts

  • Love, Sex and Romance
  • Self-Love and Care
  • Career and Money
  • Clairvoyant
  • Empath
  • Intuitive
Communication Style
  • Direct
  • Tarot
  • Cards
  • Ancestors

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