Psychic Mattie - PathForward
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Mattie x7205


"All things are possible with God. Plant good seeds in your mind and they will ripen like flowers."

About Psychic Mattie

Total Readings : 10,227 since August 2012

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

More compassion towards one another. By showing more kindness and compassion to one another, the world would be a shining diamond of hope every day. We are all in this together breathing the same air.

Can you share your intention and motivation on why you are in this line of work?

To help bring more joy, inspiration, and hope to others and showing others that anything is possible.

Can you share what process or tools you use for making the psychic connection during a reading?

I call upon my Angels and Spirit Guides and receive images about the customer to help them see a clearer path and all the options they have in their life.

What can one expect before and after having a psychic reading with you?

I can help provide a customer with a new outlook and vision for his or her life.

What is your strongest psychic ability, and how has this helped others?

I am a trained energy healer. I use vibrant colors like the rainbow to help balance the customer's energy field. The energy balancing allows the customer to feel lighter and more confident about his or her life. With help of my Angel Guides, I send out healing energy and vibrations to my clients to sooth and balance their auras and help give them more peace of mind and vitality with their concerns and in their lives as a whole. For example: I will send my client blue and lavender for calming and red and orange to help raise their energy level.

Please tell us how others can benefit from seeking your psychic guidance?

I can help the customer discover new perspectives for his or her life and help connect them with the beautiful universal life force in all of us.

In what ways do your clients find you relatable to the issues they face in their lives?

My down to earth and practical outlook on life, the understanding that we are all related, can help my clients to know I understand their challenges and as a team in the reading we can find potential solutions together. I help my clients understand that they are not alone and give them sacred prayers and chants to help clear any undesired energy they may have to give them a fresh start on their day, week and life.

Can you share one thing that you would like others to know about you?

Before I begin my clients readings, I meditate in a form of prayer to help establish a connection for my client to feel comfortable and at ease to receive the messages they are seeking. After the connection is made, then answers will flow like a bright blue stream from my mind and heart to the client's mind and heart.


As low as $5.00 $1.00/min
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Quick Facts

  • Spirituality
  • Love, Sex and Romance
  • Career and Money
  • Clairvoyant
  • Empath
  • Energy Healing
Communication Style
  • Compassionate
  • Angels
  • Numerology
  • Spirit Guides
Other Skills
  • Guided Meditation

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