The world we live in can be harsh and unaccepting of individuals who don't live up to society's standards of being "normal." Knowing this causes many of us to hide who we really are. It is not until we get in the comfort of our own private space that we finally feel free. However, we cannot fully enjoy this personal space due to being mentally exhausted from performing for the world to be accepted as others see fit - it's like a mental prison! This mental prison affects our mental health, love life, and careers. Not only do we hide, but we find ourselves in an exhausting pattern of telling lies to cover up our truth while trying to keep track of what we said to whom and why. Although the media is a lot friendlier and open to exposing the world to the LBGTQ community, coming out is still a difficult process that many people struggle with.
The goal of this blog post is to give you tips to create an environment that will allow you to be free so you can blossom and live the life you've always wanted. Below are a few things I want you to consider doing to start the process of moving forward with your pride and accepting who you are, unapologetically. Note that coming out is a process that will be different for everyone.
Build Your Own Community of Support
You can intuitively detect who would and would not accept your truth. Those supportive people are the ones who matter and who you should share how you feel and gain support from. You do not need to come out to everyone right away. For example, you may choose to wait to tell your parents, especially if they support you financially. It would be wise to gain independence and support first before telling them, or you can potentially face a very tense environment or get kicked out. You may find that none of your friends or family will be accepting, which will require seeking a new circle. You can start with private support groups on social media platforms such a Facebook, where you can talk freely and get feedback from others who are recently experiencing a transition to coming out as LBGTQ. You can also find other groups that don’t focus on coming out but are specific to your identity. Any related groups that will get you comfortable talking and socializing with like-minded people is a great start. Just remember you are not alone if you do not have friends and family to support you in the beginning.
Accept and Love Yourself
When you get the support you need, you will find yourself showered with encouragement, love, positive words, and energy regarding your identity. Remember, you are beautiful in your own way, and you were created uniquely and equally to all. It's important to believe this if you expect others to believe it too. And it's just as important to create an environment that supports and encourages these positive thoughts and feelings.
If You Have Past Trauma, Heal It.
What happened to you is not your fault. Holding onto past trauma weighs on our confidence and plagues our thoughts negatively. It also affects how we deal with conflict. It’s crucial to heal past trauma so that you may tackle future challenges in a healthy way. Depending on the individual, coming out can have major traumatic results if we are rejected by the people we love. This is why it’s important to find healthy ways of coping with future obstacles by addressing our unresolved past traumas.
There are many layers to the process of coming out and being able to live with pride. The steps above will help you start and find the support you need. If you need more advice, remember, PathForward is a safe space for you to be you. Get connected with me or talk to any one of our supportive Psychics. We’re always here for you.
Now go and be free!

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