Is He Going to Propose?
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Is He Going to Propose?

June 16, 2021
Is there an engagement ring in your future?
Is there an engagement ring in your future?
Some women will wait forever for their guys to put a ring on it, while others ask if they're main squeezes have marital inspirations from the get-go. Either way, not knowing if your guy plans on making you a Mrs. in the near future can be frustrating.

Believe it or not, there are ways to tell if your boyfriend will soon become your fiancé. And, according to, girls should pay special attention to certain Freudian slips.

"When your boyfriend says to you, 'I'd like to have kids a few years after you finish your masters,' he's talking about a future with you, and not just some great beyond where he has a theoretical wife with whom he can make babies," the news source reports.

Women can even take things further. The news provider advises women to consider if they feel as though his family has been welcoming. Additionally, when he talks about the future, he should use the world "when" - not "if."

Girls who still aren't sure if their guys are planning on going engagement ring shopping should speak with a psychicLove psychics can assess the situation and let you know if your left ring finger will be bare for a while, or if wedding bells will soon be ringing.

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