We're not going to deny that physical attraction is important in a relationship. In fact, it's a major part of what separates a relationship from a friendship. So if you're not sexually attracted to somebody, there's no point in trying to force it. But don't run away from that date just yet - give the guy a shot. You may find yourself warming up to him.
For example, did you know that Christina Hendricks, one of the sexiest women in the world, is married to the goof who said the line, "These snozberries taste like snozberries," in Super Troopers? There's a lot to be said for a guy's personality. After all, if you do end marrying him, you're both going to get old together, so don't put too much of a premium on his physical appearance. It's only temporary.
For advice, contact a psychic. Our talented psychics can look into the future to see if things with that homely guy could end up getting, well, hot.
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