Having a threesome seems like the greatest fantasy for many couples, with both men and women imagining the excitement of inviting a third party into their bedroom. It's a tricky situation, and broaching the subject with someone you love is even trickier. There are so many things to consider, and because this can have potentially hurtful repercussions, it's imperative that you always respect your partner's wishes.
Talk About It Honestly
This isn't something you can beat around the bush wish. You can't drop vague hints or expect your partner to read your mind. Frankly, if you can't have a discussion about it, then you probably shouldn't consider it anyway. You need to explain why you think it's a good idea. If it's your fantasy, talk about it. If you think your love life together is a little vanilla, be honest about that.
Having an open, honest talk is the first step. If you're not used to doing that, then you may want to reconsider the proposition. You may want to chat with a psychic online beforehand, to formulate a game plan and get some tips about how to talk to your partner about the idea.
Make Sure You Trust Each Other
If you're having relationship problems, especially if they involve trust issues, then it's likely that a threesome may hurt your relationship. Just as you should never have a baby to mend a broken relationship, you can't expect something like this to bring you closer together. If you two don't trust each other, this won't work.
You can't let your partner think that he or she is not enough. Make sure your partner knows that he or she is your first priority. Make sure you're doing this for the excitement, the adventure, or to try something new. You can't do it because you're interested in someone else. This isn't license to cheat without cheating.
Don't Get Jealous
Similarly, if there's any chance of either of you getting jealous, stop right there. This might lead to all sorts of problems after the fact. If it's a factor before you even begin, work on the issues you have that cause jealousy. Maybe you can revisit this idea down the line.
Be Open to Compromise
What's your idea of the perfect threesome? What's your partner's idea? If you're with a woman, don't automatically assume that she wants to bring another woman into the bedroom. If you're with a man, don't automatically assume that he's comfortable bringing another guy into the mix. See if you're willing to compromise. Talk about the logistics. This isn't likely to kill the excitement, but it may save your relationship in the aftermath.
Make Time to Connect
If everything's a go, you're still not done. You have to make time, before and after, to connect as a couple. Make sure you reaffirm your commitment to each other, and continue reassuring each other. A live psychic reading can help in that respect as well. Get your reading together, and discuss the best ways to come together so that you build trust, ease jealousy, and strengthen your union.
A threesome can actually help if everyone's on board. Have you ever considered it?
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