Cash is king, and so is solid financial advice. No matter your age, income, or bankroll status, we all could benefit from some guidance when it comes to our money. Whether you're investing in furthering your education, still paying off student loans, or cutting back on those $12 salads (guilty!), I'll discuss one timeless budgeting tip a week from a different historical figure who had their $%*+ together! This week, let's hear it for a man who rose from under the yoke of slavery to become one of the greatest educators in American history, Booker T. Washington (applause).
Booker T. Washington was one of the most influential African American educators and leaders of his time. His early life was not easy, and his story is one of struggle and strength. Moving from slavery to freedom to working long, exhausting hours to support his family, education seemed far out of reach. But Booker T. was passionate about learning and did not let adversity stand between him getting an education. Washington attended night school and later walked over 500 miles to attend the Hampton Institute, one of the few institutions offering education to black freedmen. Booker T. was an excellent student and highly regarded amongst his peers and superiors. This positive support system paved the way for his future successes. In 1881, Booker T. founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (now known as Tuskegee University) and taught higher education to black people throughout the south. He dedicated his life to providing others with the same educational opportunities as he had. An educator, author, orator, and adviser to multiple Presidents of the United States, Booker T. Washington had an achiever's mindset and demonstrated that hard work and ambition conquers all.
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." – Booker T. Washington
Booker T. Washington believed that success is measured by the distance you’ve come in relation to your starting place. In other words, where you are "now" is defined by the obstacles you've faced along the way. This quote is a reminder that comparison is the thief of joy, and that anyone who's reached a high level of success has worked through their own challenges to get there. We all gotta' start somewhere, and sometimes we need to rock our rose-colored glasses to see the bigger picture. Taking notice of how far you've come will help you put things into perspective and move you closer to your financial goals. Here's my take on it:
Celebrate your success
You owe it to yourself to be proud of how far you've come! No matter how many crappy jobs or life-sucking experiences you've been through, those challenges have, in some way or another, paved your path towards a better outcome. 9 years ago, straight out of college, I started as a secretary in a medical office. Was this job ideal? No. Was I making the big bucks? Not at all. But I learned through this experience that I love helping people and this spark of passion guided my career path forward. From secretary to personal trainer to health educator to healthcare marketer, I knew these jobs were not my end-all, but steppingstones to where I am today, professionally and financially. My advice is never to regret your experiences, but instead use that knowledge to set bigger and better goals.
Stop comparing!
We all do it. We are human, after all. But STAHP it! When we compare ourselves to other's success, it's an instant vibe killer! Every single entrepreneur, motivated professional, or financially successful historical figure has overcome challenges and failures along the way. You need to focus on YOU and surround yourself with people who support, inspire, and motivate you – like Booker T. Washington! Be patient and trust in your path because sometimes it takes a little longer to get to where you wanna' be. Take it from me. I'm the girl who expects things to happen yesterday. But I've learned to trust my process, not force things, and keep moving forward!
Who are you trying to impress?
Are you overextending yourself to look more successful? I'm guilty as charged! Between Sunday brunches with friends and shopping for material things, there was a time where I didn't save a dime. I wanted to show off my fancy shoes and clothes because, in my mind, this made me look "successful" to others. And truthfully, I regret it. Who was I trying to impress anyway? IDK! One of the greatest lessons I've learned is the value of saving, and that material things are great as long as they don't put a halt on your financial goals. What's more important, buying a house or that Gucci belt? When you put things into perspective, saving money becomes a no-brainer.
Did you get what I was putting down? Booker T. Washington achieved so much because he followed his passion and believed that obstacles are the measurements of success. If you're ready to take control of your financial future, talk to a Psychic about it! A Psychic can direct your path forward and inspire your next steps.
This article is part four of a series. View additional articles in this series by going here!

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