If you currently have to shower a client with endless affections while they throw nothing but hateful one-liners in your direction, take a deep breath and relax. There are ways to get through this without pulling your hair out or - worse yet - quitting in the heat of the moment.
First, remember to start each meeting on the right foot. Ask them about their weekend or how their kid's soccer team is doing. Your interest in their life may lead them to see you in a brand new light.
When you get down to business, attempt to take their insults with a grain of salt. Remember, they are trying to make money for their own company, and this may be the only way they can communicate their ideas.
If you and your client still can't seem to come to equal footing, talk to your boss. You may be able to have their account switched to a different employee.
Those who are still unsure of what to do should try consulting a psychic. Live psychic readings can help people get through the tough times at work and allow them to pick the best plan of action.
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