Divine feminine energy is the most powerful force in the universe. In our fast-paced, hyper-masculine society, most emphasis isn’t on connecting to a softer, more flowing current. Instead, we are obsessed with productivity and achievement. However, when we learn to trust and listen to our feminine energy, we can begin attracting everything we want toward us with radiance and light. These five are the best crystals to help you channel divine feminine energy.
What is Divine Feminine Energy?
Divine feminine energy is goddess energy within us all. The divine feminine is the role of the nurturer, the healer, and the peacemaker. Where the masculine is focused on doing and achieving, the feminine is focused on nurturing and supporting.
Everyone has both energies, masculine and feminine, within them. When we can channel patience, the ability to listen, the desire to care, and the art of softness, we lean into our feminine energy. The feminine is the ultimate attractor. She is truly radiant and alive. When we feel burnt out from working and doing and achieving so much in the world, we are too heavy into our masculinity. We can begin to balance this out by connecting to our feminine energy. The feminine is set but fierce. She flows through life, never forcing or pushing.
Often, when we feel stuck, the best thing we can do is to relax and sit back. Tune into our senses. Connecting to our deeper sensuality makes us naturally more radiant and magnetic. This advice is counteractive to what we are taught in society. We can also incorporate feminine aspects such as crystals, interior design elements, and fresh flowers into our spaces to bring more feminine vibes.
How to Connect to Divine Feminine Energy
There are many ways to connect to our divine feminine energy. We can do this by recording our dreams, resting, taking a bath, connecting to nature, or tuning into our senses. We can also choose to connect through the use of crystals with special properties to tune into the divine feminine energy. Below, I'll break down four excellent crystals for connecting to divine feminine energy. You can incorporate these into your life by bathing with them, setting them in your office or workspace, or traveling with them in your handbag.
Rose Quartz: This beautiful pink stone is the stone of universal love and beauty. Soothing to the touch and easy on the eyes, rose quartz will bring loving feels of warmth, support, love, and beauty into your life. Rose quartz is a healing stone associated with the heart chakra and peaceful feminine energy, and it opens the heart up to love. Try keeping a hunk in the shower or bath or wearing it on the body as a pendant or charm.
Moonstone: This clear stone reflects the energy of the full moon. It is an incredible stone to work with when connecting to dreams. It also helps you tune into your intuition and creates a space of sacred peace, flow, and harmony. Try incorporating it by wearing it in a ring or putting a piece of moonstone in a house plant.
Peridot: You can channel the energy of Lakshmi, goddess of abundance, with this beautiful stone. It brings good fortune. Peridot encourages the art of surrender, which is a distinctly feminine trait. It reminds us to relax, stay open, and remain curious about the mystery of life and all that it brings.
Labradorite: This sexy stone is about intuition and discovery, the most feminine vibes you can get. It also brings harmony by creating those feelings inside you and reflecting that shift onto the world and everyone you meet. Carry labradorite with you on long journeys, or any time you will be in a crowd of people. These vibes are contagious!
Amazonite: This stone isn’t just for pure feminine energy but to fuse your masculine and feminine together. You become an unstoppable force when you can hold both energies strong and secure within your body. Abundance is your birthright, and it is sure to follow when you channel the power of this crystal.
Divine feminine energy is the most important life force on this planet. Whether you are looking to nurture another, create something from scratch, or rest in your true feminine power, you will greatly benefit from reconnecting. Crystals are an excellent spiritual resource and always good to keep around whenever possible. In addition to being beautiful to look at, they can help you harness this incredible energy within yourself and then radiate it into the world.
Get a Crystal Healing Psychic Reading
Whether you seek healing or want to learn more about which crystals best fit your needs, contact me or another Psychic who specializes in crystals. I'd be honored to guide your path using the divine wisdom and energy of crystals.

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