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aquarius Yearly Horoscope

Jan 20 - Feb 18

What's in Store for aquarius in 2024:
Money, Love, Career

As you move into the New Year, things are going to look very much the same as you left them in 2023, though with a sense of change in the air. The first change to take place will also be the one that has the most personal impact with Pluto, the planet of change and revolution, not only returning to Aquarius with the Sun on 21st January but beginning a visit that will keep him here until 2044. Pluto did return to Aquarius in March 2023, but while this gave you a chance to look to the future and any major changes that you might want to make, as he retrograded back out less than three months later, this was more a chance for some window shopping. This saw Pluto return to your sector of subconscious thinking, imagination, and review, where he had been since 2008 and is still as you move into the New Year.

However, with Pluto returning to Aquarius on the same day that the Sun returns to begin your birthday month and new solar year, this, rather than New Year’s Day, is the day when the future will open up for you. With Mercury returning to Aquarius from 5th February to 23rd February, Mars from 13th February to 23rd March and Venus from 17th February to 12th March, every planet that will return to your sign this year will be here to get this new chapter off to an empowered start. However, Pluto isn’t fully settled in and will retrograde back out again on 2nd September though after over seven months, he will be doing more than just window shopping. This time Pluto will only be gone for 11 weeks and will not only return on 20th November but will stay in Aquarius for the next 20 years.

This will have unexpected consequences, when on 26th May and having done everything he can to promote growth and expansion on the home, family and/or property fronts, Jupiter will leave and return to your romantic and creative sector. This will begin your biggest year for matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic, and creative in over a decade, but it will also put Jupiter in harmony with Pluto, who he will form a friendly aspect to as soon as he returns. There will be an overlapping of planetary activity on the home front until Mars leaves on 21st July and with the Sun returning to your romantic and creative sector on 21st May to prepare for Jupiter’s return five days later. This makes for a year of two halves for the planet of luck and expansion while returning to support Pluto as you enter a major period for personal growth.

Aquarius Money Horoscope for 2024

Taken as a whole, as was the case last year and for most years, the balance of power is firmly on the income side of the financial fence. With Saturn and Neptune in your income sector for the whole of 2024 and not leaving until early 2026, there isn’t a moment that income matters will completely go off the boil, which is not the case for the other side of the financial fence. However, that doesn’t mean that things are going to be the same all year and instead, this can be divided into three chapters. In the first chapter Saturn and Neptune are back in direct motion but still not up to speed. After months in retrograde motion, you are wiser and with a chance to consolidate your position, but with a chance to for a fresh start without rushing into things.

Saturn and Neptune have a long-term objective, with Neptune working to keep the dream alive, Saturn to see you take your power back and together giving you the resolve to turn dreams into reality, though not overnight. The second chapter is when the faster planets move through, for they are not willing to sit and watch paint dry and especially with Mars making its first visit in two years. The most active and, therefore, the most potentially lucrative months of the year will begin with the Sun’s return to your income sector on 19th February and will run through to when Mars leaves on 1st May. However, the peak of this lucrative period will be when Venus, the planet of money, moves through from 12th March to 5th April and when you have Mars, feeling a drive for what you deserve from 23rd March to 1st May.

Once the faster planets have moved through, Saturn and Neptune will still be there but ahead of Saturn’s retrograde turn on 30th June and Neptune’s on 3rd June, they will be slowing down as they prepare to spend the majority of the second half of the year in retrograde motion, as they did last year and they will do again next year. As Saturn and Neptune stand back, this will give the other side of the financial fence its turn. This will start with Mercury’s return to your financial sector on 26th July, with a chance to use his smart head for money to get your head in the game and around your financial situation and money matters. Mercury will leave on 15th August but will return again from 9th September to 26th September to wrap things up. In between, the Sun and Venus will move through, making these the most important months of the year for money matters. Especially in terms of what you do with and how you manage the money you have.

Aquarius Love Horoscope for 2024

Because of a retrograde turn last year, Venus, the planet of love, is still running behind schedule, and it is not until the final days of your birthday month that she will finally return on 17th February. This is when your heart gets to have its voice and a say in what you want from the coming year, but with no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts, this might feel more like wishful thinking. However, as Venus’ retrograde turn last year was in your relationship sector, where she spent four months rather than the usual 24 days, you have a much better sense of what you want from your relationships. At the same time, while you can’t see what lies ahead as the planet of love, Venus knows that 2024 is set to be a big year for matters of the heart and all things romantic.

This means that while as Venus moves through Aquarius from 17th February to 12th March, she might be fueling desires and expectations that feel more like wishful thinking, they are anything but. There will be no planetary activity in your romantic sector until the Sun returns on 21st May, the point each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto matters of the heart. However, from then, things are set to accelerate rapidly with Venus, the planet of love, returning on 24th May and just two days later, Jupiter returning to begin your luckiest year for matters of the heart and all things romantic in over a decade. Venus is here until 17th June, with the planets of love and luck coming together for the first time here in 12 years.

With Mercury here from 3rd June to 17th June and the Sun until 21st June, there will be support for Jupiter in the early weeks of a journey that won’t end until he leaves in June 2025. However, Jupiter won’t be on his own for long, with Mars moving through your romantic sector from 21st July to 21st September, bringing the planets of luck and passion together here for the first time since 2013. This will overlap the start of the first planetary activity on the relationship front for the year, which will begin with Mercury’s return on 3rd July and continue through to his departure on 9th September. In that time, the Sun and Venus, the planet of love, will also move through. However, just as on the romantic front, Mars will make a standalone visit to your relationship sector from 4th November 2024 to 6th January 2025.

Aquarius Career Horoscope for 2024

While there is no planetary activity in either your work or career sectors as you move into the New Year, this is not the time of year you would expect any. However, you do start the year with an unseen advantage, in that it was on 30th December 2023, less than 48 hours before moving into your 2024 professional year, that Venus left your career sector, with the momentum and traction from that still playing out. Venus was not only late to return to your career sector last year, but she moved through after not only the Sun and Mercury had made their annual visits, but she returned less than two weeks after Mars returned for his first visit in two years. The push that this gave career matters at the end of 2023 is still being felt as you move into 2024, even though the planets that have created the momentum traction and have provided you with a sense of direction have just left.

It was during Venus’ final days that the last Full Moon of 2023 fell in your work sector, so you also have the traction from that as you move into this new professional year. So, while there is no planetary activity on the job or career fronts and won’t be for several months, you have enough gas in your tank and momentum to keep things on track. After that, it is the Moon’s monthly visits that will keep things on track, with a Full Moon in your career sector giving things an added push. It is in June that the pace will start to pick up with Venus and Mercury both returning to your work sector within hours of each other on 17th July. Mercury is only here until 3rd July and Venus until 12th July but along with the Sun, who will move through from 21st June to 22nd July this will give work and job matters a short, sharp jolt.

However, the most active and busiest point in the year on the job front will be when Mars moves through your work sector from 5th September to 4th November. Mars is normally only here for six weeks, so to be here for two months means that he is slowing down, something that will see him retrograde back in for a do-over in early 2025. The timing of Mars’ return couldn’t be better, for he will be in your work sector when Venus returns to begin the first planetary activity in your career sector this year on 23rd September. Venus is only here until 18th October, but with Mercury here from 14th October to 3rd November and the Sun from 23rd October to 22nd November, this will coincide with Mars’ time in your work sector. With support from Saturn and Neptune in your income sector, these will be especially good months across the income, work, and career fronts.

BTW, have you checked your daily horoscope?

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