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virgo Yearly Horoscope

There is set to be a major pivot from the playful, creative, and adventurous side of life’s fence to the busy professional side this year, but it won’t happen in one fell swoop and with time to transition from one to the other. The two planets at the center of things are Jupiter and Pluto, with New Year’s Day Jupiter’s first full day in direct motion in an adventurous part of your chart and the start of Pluto’s final three weeks in a playful and creative part. Pluto had been here since 2008 but in March 2023 left and returned to your busy work sector, where he was able to plant seeds that he could return to later. This meant that Pluto was gone when Jupiter returned to your career sector in May 2023, but he returned just a few weeks later and since then, in harmony, they have put a lot of focus on the playful, creative, and adventurous side of life’s fence.

The change begins when Pluto returns not only to your work sector on 21st January but on the same day as the Sun. This won’t leave a playful and creative part of your chart empty with Venus, Mercury, Mars and even the dwarf planet Ceres keeping things active through to 8th February. With Jupiter not leaving an adventurous part of your chart until 26th May and with plenty of planetary activity here right through to when Mars moves through from 9th June to 21st July, life isn’t going to suddenly become all work and no play, but this is where things are heading. For when he leaves on 26th May, Jupiter will return to your career sector to begin your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade.

As soon as he returns Jupiter will move straight into a friendly aspect to Pluto, who by then will have been in your work sector for four months and will have become established. Apart from the 11 weeks that Pluto will spend back in a playful and creative part of your chart from 2nd September to 20th November, he is in your work sector until 2044 and through the majority of the time that Jupiter is in your career sector until leaving in June 2025. With the South Node in your income sector all year, what 2024 doesn’t have on the wrapper as you move into the New Year is just what a big year this is destined to become across the income, work, and career fronts. Yet standing by and policing that this doesn’t negatively impact your relationships is Saturn, who will spend the whole of 2024 in your relationship sector.

Virgo Money Horoscope for 2024

This year, while the continuous planetary activity is still in your financial sector, the side of the financial fence that is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have and has been for decades and there is none in your income sector, the difference this year is that you have the lunar nodes in your two money houses. It is having the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your financial sector for the last nine decades that means that money matters never go off the boil and when you need it, you have that inner warrior to call on. As there is rarely any planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence in the first half of the year, the scales are always tilted to the other side of the financial fence. However, with the lunar nodes in your two money houses from July 2023 to January 2025, that has changed.

With the North Node in your financial sector and the South Node in your income sector, they are constantly working against each other to keep things balanced. This also means that the New Moon in your financial sector on 9th April will be a solar eclipse, as will the New Moon in your income sector on 3rd October and the Full Moon there on 25th March will be a lunar eclipse. As well as maintaining a balance between money coming in and money going out, the lunar nodes can connect with the Sun and Moon to create opportunities for breakthroughs. Meanwhile, it is when the faster planets move through your two money houses that things will become more active.

For money matters, which will start with Mercury’s return to your financial sector on 16th May and will run through to Mars’ departure on 9th June. This will be the most active month of the year for your financial situation and money matters, with Mars’ return on 1st May kicking off the most active weeks. Meanwhile, apart from an eclipsing Full Moon in your income sector on 25th March, there will be no planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence until the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment, returns on 10th August. However, the most lucrative weeks of the year are likely to kick off nearly three weeks later when Venus, the planet of money, returns on 30th August. Venus will leave on 23rd September, a day before the Sun returns on 22nd September, and with Mercury returning on 26th September, this will keep the most active months on the income side of the financial fence this year going until 23rd October.

Virgo Love Horoscope for 2024

The most romantically charged weeks of any year will always be the first and the latter weeks, with the Sun always spending the last 10 days and the first three weeks of every year in your romantic sector. Since Pluto, the planet of change and transformation, returned in 2008, he has not only always been there at the time, but throughout the years, he has stayed on to keep the momentum going, even if just on a slow boil. That began to change when Pluto left last year, but as he retrograded back in less than three months later, this was more to warn you that he was getting ready to leave and that he won’t always be here. Pluto will leave again, this time with the Sun on 21st January, and when the Sun comes full circle on 22nd December, as he does each year, he will be gone, and he won’t be back again in our lifetime.

However, this will not be the last we will see of Pluto, for he will retrograde back in for 11 weeks from 2nd September to 20th November, for one last check. This time, with Venus making an early return from 12th November to 7th December, this will give the planet of love the honor of being the last planet to have contact with the planet of change and transformation here in our lifetime. This isn’t the only visit Venus will make to your romantic sector this year, with her visit from 23rd January to 17th January also some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year. This time, with Mars in your romantic sector from 5th January to 13th February, this will bring the planets of love and passion together.

Meanwhile, on the relationship front, things have become a lot more stable. Saturn, who returned last March and is here now until he and Neptune both leave in early 2026, is settled in, and while he is demanding more from you and there might be some relationship challenges, he is helping to strengthen the bonds while working with dreamy Neptune to give you the resolve to turn dreams into reality. The most active months of the year on the relationship front will come when the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Mercury move through, which they will do starting with the Sun’s return on 19th February and ending when Mars leaves on 1st May. With Venus here from 12th March to 5th April and Mars from 23rd March to 1st May, this is when the planets of love and passion will come together to work their magic.

Virgo Career Horoscope for 2024

There are some years where it is business as usual and other years when there might be major developments on either the job or career fronts, but rarely will there be a professional year where there are major developments on both. That is what you have this year, with 2024 not just a blockbuster of a professional year but the year that is going to have an impact for years, if not decades, to come. Years like this come along just once or twice in a lifetime if that, and it all comes down to two planets who just happen to come together in the right place at the right time, or at least they will. Yet, as you move into the new year, there is no planetary activity in either of your two professional houses and while your sixth sense might be picking up on the massive changes ahead, you might put this down to wishful thinking. However, change is coming, and you won’t have to wait for long, making it important to make the most of any holiday time in the first three weeks of the year.

The change begins when, within the space of just a few hours, the Sun and Pluto, planet of change and revolution, will both return to your work sector on 21st January. The Sun returns at this time each year, but while he will keep the solar spotlight on your work situation, job matters, and options for the next month, apart from the 11 weeks when he will retrograde back out from 2nd September to 20th November, Pluto is here until 2044. Pluto dipped in for a few months last year, but apart from the short break later in the year, this is the start of a two-decade-long visit that is aimed at changing things up in a way that only the planet of change and revolution can. Mercury will return from 5th February to 23rd February, Venus from 17th February to 12th March, and Mars from 13th February to 23rd March, where they will do their part in getting this massive chapter off the ground.

If that were it, this would be an important year on the job front and the start of a major new chapter, but not the blockbuster year this is destined to become. What makes all the difference will be Jupiter’s return to your career sector on 26th May to begin your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade, with the planet of luck and expansion forming an early alliance with Pluto from the start. The same planets that will help Pluto’s new journey to get off the ground will do the same for Jupiter, starting with the Sun’s return on 21st May and ending with Mars’ departure on 5th September. As each planet returns, they will not only align with Jupiter as they pass through but form a friendly aspect to Pluto, strengthening the bond between these major new chapters for job and career growth.

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