Psychic Crystal - PathForward
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Crystal x4289


“I believe it is my humanitarian duty to be a guide and a divine light to others in this dimension."

About Psychic Crystal

Total Readings : 171 since February 2022

What do you think are the top benefits of psychic readings?

Psychic readings are important to provide clarity to the future and the past. Having a psychic friend makes decision-making more accurate. Psychics who are gifted are here to help humanity by providing insight and clarity. Future obligations can cause anxiety. Client’s may have questions like when you’re going to meet your soul mate or if you’re going to get your dream job? All fair questions that take anxiety off your mind. For us gifted few, having a vision of the future is an everyday occurrence. Those who choose to share their gifts can answer the questions many want to know. Psychics like myself can also help you connect with loved ones who have crossed over and want to share a message with you. The benefits are endless.

Can you share your intention and motivation on why you are in this line of work?

My motivation for this type of work has been in my family’s bloodline for many generations. I am a 5th generation psychic, and I was taught at a young age that I am a light worker. As a light worker I am here to assist humanity as we ascend to the 5th dimension of life. It is my duty to use my gift to light the way for many. Life is always changing and evolving. It takes real seers like me to support and direct many. I was chosen to aid the collective in this manner. It is my purpose and destiny.

Can you share what process or tools you use for making the psychic connection during a reading?

When providing readings I work with angels, ancestors, and guides - both mine and yours. I may sometimes use angel and animal oracle cards. To connect I also tune into your aura and connect with you for direction and clarity.

What can one expect before and after having a psychic reading with you?

When choosing to have a reading done by me, you can expect to get your money’s worth. I am serious about the lives of people, and I believe in universal laws. I am conscientious and everyone I meet is a reflection in some way of myself. Before reading, you may be experiencing stress, uncertainty, depression and or anxiety. Not only am I clairvoyant, intuitive and a medium I am also a healer. Many people leave readings with me feeling lifted, lightened, and healed. After a reading with me, you can expect to experience a change in your awareness and answers to your most challenging questions.

How do you receive specific time frames and predictions when asked?

When clients ask for specific time frames and predictions I consult with my guides, ancestors, and angels who I work with daily. I am connected to the universe on several planes and multiple dimensions. My guides always give me accurate and precise time frames and predictions when asked. I also work with crystals that provide me answers.

Please tell us how others can benefit from seeking your psychic guidance?

Our minds can be our greatest limit in this life, keeping us from seeing other possibilities. An outsider looking in can see things from a higher point of perspective, offering you more options that you have not considered before. I also provide the lightening of life’s pressures with answers that support and heal each individual.

What kind of social issues are you most passionate about and why?

I am most passionate about peace as global social issue. I am a yoga practitioner, and this is part of all the healing work I do on a daily basis. I want to do my part to support and heal humanity through compassion, love, and light. It is my purpose to assist many to become Awakened and Aware and to spread peace.

Can you share one thing that you would like others to know about you?

I have done psychic work with companies and in person for over 15 years. This is your sign to receive the support and guidance you have been searching for.


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Quick Facts

  • Family and Friends
  • Spirituality
  • Love, Sex and Romance
  • Self-Love and Care
  • Career and Money
  • Clairvoyant
  • Mediumship
  • Intuitive
  • Empath
  • Energy Healing
Communication Style
  • Direct
  • Angels
  • Ancestors
  • Spirit Guides
  • Can Read Without Tools
  • Cards

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