How to Make Self-Respect a Priority
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Making Self-Respect a Priority in Love and Relationships

May 30, 2023 by Samantha
Before you try loving someone, make sure you're loving yourself!
Before you try loving someone, make sure you're loving yourself!

Raise your hand if you've made a promise to practice self-respect this year. Like self-care, self-respect is the oh so liberating act of honoring the queen that you are. I've always found that self-respect goes hand in hand with self-care. For instance, respecting my "me time" and giving myself enough time alone is something I cherish so much. Alone time is how I recharge my mind, energy, and soul - deep, I know! And during this dedicated "me time," I usually exercise or read, which btw are fabulous self-care examples. When you choose to honor self-respect, you may find yourself unapologetically saying NO to things that you really don't feel like doing or picking your inner circle more wisely. You may also experience a huge improvement in your love life and relationships. And when you make self-respect a priority, finding and keeping the right kind of relationships becomes much, much easier. Here's how:  

Turn Down the Toxicity  

We've all had one, a toxic person in our life who brings us down or sucks the life out of us - a.k.a. an energy vampire. Whether that person is from your past or in your present, there is nothing more freeing than cutting out those who don't make you a better person. A relationship with a toxic person is straight-up exhausting and is usually one-sided. Their toxic antics bring feelings of emotional turmoil, anxiety, and self-doubt. Eliminating the toxicity from your life and sticking with those who lift you up is one of the most empowering acts of self-respect you can take. And once you do this you'll find an even greater appreciation and love for your ride or dies. Plus, it will sharpen your intuitive judgment of character as you move forward in life.  

Stay True to Yourself  

Pleasing other people should never come at the expense of your self-respect. You SHOULD NEVER have to change who you are to make someone else happy. Just do you! Your values, morals, beliefs, and passions make you the unique, beautiful soul you are. If your partner or love interest doesn't support your individuality or expects you to just go along with whatever they think, then girl, it's time to move on. There is nothing more powerful and sexy than a woman (or a man) who is confident inside and out. Making self-respect a priority in your love life means you'll never lose sight of who you are. They say you are what you attract – think about that!  

Be a Better Person 

Prioritizing self-respect can change the dynamic of all your relationships – love, friendships, colleagues, etc. When you respect yourself, you'll value quality and authority over your work, making it easier to have difficult conversations with coworkers, such as setting boundaries and negotiating with bosses. In love, prioritizing your self-respect gives a greater sense of compassion, which is so important in a romantic relationship. Accepting and embracing you and your partner’s imperfections strengthens your ability to communicate and resolve challenges. And don't forget what momma always said, "treat others the way you would like to be treated." When you respect yourself you become a better, more likable, and more reliable person to those around you.  

Getting Started 

Are you feeling inspired? That was my intent! Making self-respect a priority is life-changing and can often be the answer to so many of our personal probs. Getting started is easy. I suggest taking out your journal or notepad in your phone and making a list of all the ways you'd like to implement self-respect in your life. You can also chat with a Psychic to get even more intuitive advice and the next steps for making this lifestyle adjustment stick.  

Read more articles by Your PathForward Blogger Samantha.

Your PathForward Blogger Samantha
“If you’re feeling inspired, I recommend chatting with a Psychic who specializes in this area of expertise. And remember, YOU are smart, strong, and capable of anything you set your mind to!” – Your PathForward Blogger Samantha

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