Meet the Midsummer
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Meet the Midsummer

June 14, 2023 by PathForward
Midsummer can be a great time to evaluate how far you've come this year and to recenter yourself to finish your year strong.
Midsummer can be a great time to evaluate how far you've come this year and to recenter yourself to finish your year strong.

No matter where you're from or what your traditions are, summer is a time to rejoice. After long months of darkness, you find yourself immersed in light. When you've spent the winter curled up indoors, you can now enjoy this season's fresh air and beauty.

People have celebrated this time of year for millennia, and with good reason. Midsummer isn't just a wonderful and bounteous time of year but also significant to your spiritual side. 

What Is Midsummer?

Midsummer is an ancient celebration stemming from the pagan holiday of Litha, welcoming summer and offering hopes for a successful harvest year. People have been dancing, singing, lighting fires, and wearing flowers in their hair for thousands of years to celebrate the longer days and shorter nights.

Today, Midsummer festivities are most popular in Scandinavian countries, where the long days are a time of renewal after the months of darkness.

True Midsummer, or Summer Solstice, is June 20 or 21, depending on the year, and marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

How Is Midsummer Spiritually Significant?

Spiritually, Midsummer is a time of fertility, warmth, and harvest. You feel a strong connection to your body in summer, as you can get outside and receive nourishment from the sun. The Earth provides abundantly at this time, with readily available fruits, vegetables, and flowers. 

Many cultures also consider Midsummer the best time of year to find love. Long ago, singles would place seven flowers under their pillows on Midsummer's Eve, hoping to dream of their soulmate. 

Why Is It Important To Celebrate Midsummer?

Taking time to celebrate Midsummer can help you settle into this new time of year with intention. After a long and dark winter, it's time to meditate on where you've been and set your sights on where you want to go.

Just as the Earth needs the sun to ensure abundance, you need the sun to recenter yourself at the mid-point of the year to remain fruitful. Try these Midsummer rituals to stay grounded, and reap the benefits of this distinct time of year.

Take Stock of Your Year So Far

The year is halfway over. This is an important time to think about what you wanted to accomplish this year and how far you've come. If you've rocked those goals, great! Keep the momentum going with a little Midsummer day celebration.

If you haven't been so diligent, now's a great time to re-evaluate your priorities and make some changes so you can check those goals off your list in the second half of the year. Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you take stock of the year so far:

  • What new relationships have I formed?
  • Am I still on track to achieve my beginning-of-the-year goals?
  • What are my wins, and how can I celebrate them?
  • Am I holding onto anything that I need to let go of?
  • Are there any goals that aren't serving me anymore?
  • What mistakes have I made, and how can I learn from them? 

Looking inward and finding answers to these questions can help you to set the stage for the rest of your year. If you need any help guiding your mid-year reflection process, our Psychic Advisors  can help.

Connect With Nature

Nature draws you outdoors at this time of year, and there are so many ways you can disconnect with your tech and reconnect with your natural surroundings.

Take a hike in the woods to really appreciate the majesty of creation. Enjoy the abundance of flowers at this time of year, and appreciate simple beauty. Ponder on the renewal of life as you recommit to yourself and your goals.

Get Close to the Water

Water is a reviving element, and when the sun gives you extra light at this time of year, what better way to rejuvenate than by taking a dip in a natural body of water. Whether you can be enveloped in the salty sea spray of the ocean or immersed in the refreshingly cool waters of a lake, the water will cleanse your body and spirit.

If you can't make it to a natural body of water, try running a bath, adding a few drops of essential oil or bath salts, and lighting a candle. Use this ritual to set a new mantra for yourself for the coming half year.  

Light a Fire

While you are beyond the season for cozying up to the fireplace, lighting a fire outside can help you connect to nature and remind you of the fire and energy of the sun. Gather around a campfire, fire pit, or bonfire for a social and spiritual experience.

Fire can also be a cleansing element, so take this time to think about letting go of anything you've been holding onto unnecessarily for the past few months. 

Enjoy Nature's Bounty

Midsummer is a time to enjoy the fruits of nature. Whether you have a green thumb or not, you can partake of some of nature's best gifts. Try planting your own seeds to experience the magic of life renewing itself.

If you can't grow your own food, go to a local farmers market to enjoy fresh produce at its peak. Taking care of yourself this way is another Midsummer ritual to help you recenter and find balance in your life. 

Look Forward to the Next Phase

An important part of celebrating Midsummer is looking back and reflecting, but equally insightful is looking forward and setting intentions. If there's something you need to change, now's the time to decide how things will be different.

If amazing things are happening in your life, think about how to keep them flowing in a positive direction. And know that you don't have to go it alone. Our Psychic Advisors  are here to help you be the best version of yourself. 

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