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Weekly Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscope for July 21 - July 27

JULY 21 – FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN - Strategic planning and self-determination

JULY 22 – SUN ENTERS LEO – Self-confidence and celebration

JULY 25 – MERCURY ENTERS VIRGO – Rational thinking and long-term planning

JULY 26 – CHIRON RETROGRADE – Revisiting old wounds

JULY 27 – LAST QUARTER MOON – Time for reflection and forgiveness

Mar 21 - Apr 19

While you are revisiting old, painful memories, there are others who are waiting to show you love. Perhaps a current situation reminds you of painful moments in the past. You grew from that pain. Potential partnerships, agreements and arrangements are still available. Your growth was necessary to make sure the current situations are beneficial.

Apr 20 - May 20

Don't be afraid of success. What you have to offer is very valuable. You will be recognized. Your hesitation to accept attention could hinder the progress of the very things that you have been working for. Even one moment of regret is too much when you have had so much growth.

May 21 - Jun 20

Speaking your mind will only put things back in order in your environment. You've made other contributions, but your thoughts are important in this situation. Someone is waiting to hear from you. Your action has made them keep their distance. Communicating will bring you closer and ultimately bring you happiness.

Jun 21 - Jul 22

Prepare yourself for changes that are coming. Over the course of life, there are celebrations and there is sadness. There is togetherness and solitude. Each of these things has a season and you will either experience them right now or reflect on them. Don't let any of it find you unprepared.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Celebrations with family are often followed by quiet time with family, especially if you've had some time away. Maybe you've been alone for a long time and you're considering that it's your time to start your own family. If you do want to begin family life, you will have many suitable options for partnership.

Aug 23 - Sep 22

Even when you are tending your own garden, there are others who want to oppose you. What they don't realize is that they are opposing themselves because your attention is on your own concerns and not on their efforts to distract you. Please show compassion because someone's karma for attacking you is an attack on their own home, which they were not tending to. When they realize that they really need you, there is no path to reconnect.

Sep 23 - Oct 22

Embracing the good and the bad of a situation is part of any relationship’s stability. You've been as truthful as you can be, now it's time to be as loving as you can be. Even with someone who has a hard time accepting love, there are important life lessons. All love leads to happiness when you remember to always give a portion of love to yourself.

Oct 23 - Nov 21

Don't let the flaws and other people's connections deter you from having the connections that you want in your life. You are worthy. You can handle any situation that comes up alone or with a partner. You know what works for you in partnership. So please stop watching other people's lessons. Focus on the lessons that you have mastered.

Nov 22 - Dec 21

The outcomes from work that you are putting into a situation are going to surprise you. It will work out extremely well. The opportunity that seemed to be a coincidence is a move of the universe to test your determination. You are going to put in the extra effort and mind the details that are going to get to the outcome that you want.

Dec 22 - Jan 19

A long-lasting source of frustration is about to end. Even though the situation isn't good, it will still be missed. There is only room in your heart for situations that work for you and people who care for you. Anything outside of that is no longer an option. After you go through a short period of mourning you will never allow anything or anyone toxic to attach itself to you again.

Jan 20 - Feb 18

Someone wants your attention, and they don't know why you are ignoring them. Not only are you emotionally unavailable, but you don't seem to have time for them at all. Obligations keep you from seeing the opportunities available to you. And even if you can't spend time with someone, it is important that you break the silence..

Feb 19 - Mar 20

Waiting for everything to be perfect can delay opportunities to be happy right now. Assuming. that something won't go well because it didn't go well in the past is ignoring all the lessons that you learned from those failed attempts. You are allowed to experiment. You are allowed to try.


Weekly Horoscope Provided by...

Psychic Bianca x4171
“We all need guidance at different times of our lives. My readings are plain-spoken, humorous, sympathetic, and optimistic.”  - Psychic Bianca x4171

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