Every year is a new beginning. You have the power to shift the energy of the upcoming year in your favor by doing a new year energy cleansing to release any lingering stagnant energy from the old year. When we release negative energy, we can manifest positive energy into our lives, and we can rewrite our future path for the year ahead. We cannot change the past, but we can change the now and the future. Change is instant. All it takes is for us to make changes consciously. So, start today by thinking about what you want for the future and plan or write it down. Dream and see that you can alter and change your future…to attract what you want… you deserve love, happiness, and success in every part of your life.
Negative energy can build up over time and manifest in different ways. It is easy to see how it manifests itself. If you feel tired, lethargic, angry, weak, irritated, or experience negative thoughts and feelings, it's a sign that your auric field has accumulated negative energies. This can manifest in our homes, relationships, business, and finance.
We are not always aware, so it is important that we clear and cleanse our auric field and energy around ourselves. Once we acknowledge the changes, we need to implement them and actively start changing the negative energy to positive energy. It is important to listen to our bodies and our spiritual senses. They can communicate with us when negative energy manifests. Spiritual awareness helps us to alter energy before it manifests.
A new year brings in new energy. It's a fantastic opportunity to look at the world differently and make changes. We all have patterns and habits. Start by implementing one change each day so that you alter and change your future. A clean slate allows us to see that we have the power to implement the goals we desire and manifest our dreams. Clearing the negative energy of the past will enable us to move forward into a positive energy phase. This brings in the sense of renewal.
Tips and tools to clear and cleanse negative energy
1. Burn the energy away!
Burning utilizes the element of fire and is one of the best energy cleansing techniques. Take a piece of paper and write down all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and memories you felt last year. Do allow yourself to go down memory lane and feel the emotions you wish to let go of. Once completed, burn the piece of paper. This ritual allows you to let go of the past so that it no longer affects your reality. As you burn your paper, bless the people and experiences, and see how this has been cleared out of your energy field. This exercise can bring forth some very powerful feelings, so do allow the healing to settle.
2. Declutter and clear your home!
One of the simplest and most practical DIY energy cleansing rituals you can do at home is banish clutter. As the new year brings new beginnings, allow yourself to clear and declutter your home. Clutter creates stress and mental fog. Also, new energy can come in when we let go of things. Stagnant energy only leads to stagnation in your own life. Remove all the excess stuff you do not need and donate what you know can help others. Spring-clean your home so that it not only smells fantastic with the aroma but also feels like a sanctuary of peace and calmness.
3. Smudge and spiritually clear your physical and spiritual home from negative energy!
Burn sage in every room within your home. Sage is a potent healing plant to release negative energy. It is important that you set out your intention of what you wish to remove and replace it with love while clearing. Bad energy can accumulate within a home and affect a person very negatively. The corners and dark spaces, such as an attic, garage, or basement, accumulate the most negative energy. Once you burn sage in every part of your home, open the windows and ask all the energy you have cleared to leave. You can also clear your auric field to release all negative energy accumulated. Not only will your home feel lighter, but you will also feel calm and renewed. White sage or Palo Santo is recommended.
4. Connect to a Psychic, Medium, or Intuitive Healer!
Never feel you are on this journey alone. Connect with a Psychic to support you if you feel unsure or need guidance. There are times when we just need someone to talk to. A Psychic or Healer can see blockages, clear negative energy, and help with inner healing. Cords, trauma, and attachments are visible in our auric field. Allow your Psychic Healer to support you on your journey.
5. Celebrate – Prepare for what you would like to see in this upcoming year!
To create the year we want, we must clear the energy of last year and then focus on what we want to manifest for this new year. A great tool for manifestation is to write down what you want and create a dream board. Visualize the path and goals you have. Once your energy is clear, it's time to move on and focus on a new beginning and path ahead.
I believe this is going to be a fantastic year for you! Visualize that this new year will bring love, happiness, harmony, balance, prosperity, abundance, and positive energy. Focus on what you would like to implement and take all action when needed. You must focus on the path forward and put healing energy toward what you feel is holding you back. You are never alone on this path, dear friend. Seek advice, help, and support if you need it. Reach out to me or another Intuitive Psychic here at PathForward. I'd love to guide you on your path to positive energy.
Many blessings!

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subron10: I had such an out of body experience!!