Along with Death and the Tower, the Devil card has a reputation for being one of the bad boys of the tarot. And yeah, the classical imagery of this card reinforces that. Two nude human figures are collared and chained up to a throne. A large demonic figure is sitting on that throne, looming behind the humans. But there’s a little more complexity going on behind this seemingly sinister scene. After all… how do we know this isn’t all consensual?
In tarot, the Devil card is all about the spicy side of life - temptation, desire, and those guilty pleasures we all secretly enjoy. A little indulgence every now and then can be harmless, but it all depends on how well we know ourselves versus how much we lie to ourselves. The Devil card is very much linked to our shadow self too, all the things we suppress or hide, deep attachments we can’t/won’t break, or even addictions. The key is finding balance between indulgence and restraint. When the Devil shows up in a reading, it’s time to ask yourself, what's holding you back, and what secret desires are you ignoring?
What is the Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card in a Love Reading?
Is your boo being passionate or just possessive? If the Devil pops up in a love reading representing your partner or crush, it can definitely point to an intense relationship with a high chance of passion in and out of the bedroom. But beware - it can also point to unhealthy attachments or controlling behavior. Possessiveness and extreme jealousy are not romantic or sexy. You deserve to have some breathing room in all your relationships. It might be time to have a heart-to-heart about boundaries and mutual respect. Remember, a little devilish fun is great, but not at the expense of your well-being.
When the Devil represents you in a love reading, it's time for some serious self-reflection. Are you letting your desires run the show? Relationships have to be functional outside the bedroom too, sis. Maybe you're holding onto a toxic relationship out of fear or addiction to drama. In this case, the Devil is your wingman, nudging you to face your shadows, break free from self-imposed limitations, and have a relationship that is worthy of you. Embrace your sensuality, but don't let it control you. You're the master of your own heart, after all
Seeing the Devil reversed in a love reading? Congrats! You're on the path to breaking free from unhealthy patterns. This could mean ending a toxic relationship, overcoming jealousy, or releasing old baggage. It's time to reclaim your power and remember that true love shouldn't feel like a cage. Celebrate your newfound freedom and open your heart to healthier connections.
What is the Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card in a Future Reading?
When the Devil shows up in a future reading representing your environment, keep your eyes peeled for temptations and power plays. You might find yourself in situations that test your moral compass or challenge your self-control. The key is to stay aware and make conscious choices. This is doubly true if the Devil is accompanied by a card like the Eight or Swords or Seven of Cups. Remember, you're not a puppet. You have the power to navigate these tricky waters with grace and integrity.
If the Devil represents you in a future reading, it’s as if the Universe is trying to hold an intervention for you. This isn't just about naughty behavior; it's a wake-up call to examine the chains or bad habits that bind us. You might be confronting your deepest fears, addictions, or self-sabotaging behaviors. It's not always comfortable, but it's incredibly transformative. The Devil reminds us we always have a choice: denial and victimhood versus self-knowledge and self-determination. Once we face our shadows or acknowledge what we’ve been repressing, that gives us the power to break their hold over us. Then we’re free to harness the power of our desires and make an informed choice about what is best for us.
The Devil reversed in a future reading is a sign that you’re on the brink of a major breakthrough, breaking free from limitations that have held you back. Seeing cards like the Eight of Cups or Six of Swords appear in the reading might also be a sign that you’re ready to move forward. The stars may align in a way that will make it easier to take your first bold steps away from toxic situations or people. This card could also indicate overcoming an addiction, ending a toxic situation, or finally pursuing that dream you've been too scared to chase. Freedom looks good on you!
What is the Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card in a Career Reading?
When the Devil crashes your career reading, it's time to look at the power dynamics at play. Are office politics getting out of hand? Management might be playing head games with the employees, using false promises or manipulation to keep people juuuuust satisfied enough to keep the peace. Alternatively, a tempting opportunity that seems too good to be true could cross your path. The Devil reminds you to read the fine print and stay true to your values. Don't sell your soul for a corner office!
If the Devil represents you in a career reading, it's time to check your ambition levels. Are you working towards your goals, or have you become a slave to success? The Devil can indicate workaholism or an unhealthy attachment to material gains or status. You might find yourself in a “golden handcuffs” situation, where the surface perks of the job all seem pretty sweet, but you still feel trapped in a situation you really don’t like. Remember, there's more to life than climbing the corporate ladder. Find balance between your career aspirations and personal well-being.
Seeing the Devil reversed in your career reading? You’ve found the key to those golden handcuffs and are ready to break free from job dissatisfaction or toxic work environments. A new opportunity or situation will remind you what really makes you happy. Or you may finally come up to a line you know you will not cross if you want to keep your integrity. This realization may have you quitting a soul-sucking job, standing up to a bully boss, or just realigning your career with your true passions. Embrace this newfound clarity and make choices that serve your highest good.
Still wondering what temptations will cross your path? We gotchu! Our tarot experts have got the skills to go deep when you need answers about love, career, or anything else that’s been weighing on your mind. See how their insight can have you moving in the right direction to manifest the life of your dreams.
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